Tuesday, June 1, 2010

need to want less: convenience


Meh, I'm not exactly wild about this but it mainly exists to illustrate a point. Yet again I'm touching on food stuff, an accidental on-going theme. I don't think of myself as someone with eating issues, BUT I must be. Maybe not the conventional ones though (say, eating too much, not enough, not keeping it down... you know, all the After School Special stuff). I like to eat. I like really good food. But I will settle for the mediocre out of laziness. Beyond that, yeah I'm still not too keen on veggies. Add to that, I don't have a whole lot of money (that's probably my lamest excuse but my favorite go-to).

I eat crap. I have a long history of barely digesting crap, and one of these days I'm sure it will catch up to me. I don't think about my eating habits often, but clearly it's something that's on my mind. As someone that is about the furthest thing from a "foodie" I focus on the have-not, the shortcomings of my diet versus the what I do right or could do better. And as somebody that is not a cook, not a culinary risk taker, I sometimes find it funny that the majority of my work history has been at restaurants, that I love cooking shows, and the idea of baking makes me giddy. I feel this so-close-yet-so far relationship with food, like I was meant to embrace it but don't know how or haven't come to terms with it.

Could it be my infant allergies, or my restricted menu when I had no teeth as a pre-teen, or lack of exposure to "the finer things", or fear of the unknown. It's not normal, but I have over the years accepted the oddity as just being me instead of really making a go of changing. Point is, laziness is my biggest enemy right now and changing that is the real place to start. I've got such food-on-the-brain I've decided to dedicate this weeks' posts to edible-ish goodies. Not my typical theme so we'll see how it goes. Thankfully it's a short week.

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